ASDAL: Planning the most anticipated vacation ever

Activity 1

Planning for a family vacation, whether it would be inside or outside of the country, is as stressful and hectic as it can ever be, most especially during the middle of a pandemic. With various health protocols we need to make sure to follow, and the essential things we have to plan in order for this vacation to be worthwhile and enjoyable, a neat and cohesive plan should be done by the whole family. Thankfully, with the aid of the ASDAL and its planning methods, this helps planners see things in a clearer view. Complex ideas are organized into chunks, and when put with the suitable method, we will then see things better and not make this whole thing stressful, and everyone will focus on making this travel a delightful experience.

Activity 2



Graysheil Frae Runes

Sleep deprived, coffee-dependant creative in progress. | Illustrator. Graphic Designer. Content Writer. Social Media Manager.